It’s all about the food

on the grill
Frequent Ginza visitors often say they return each year just for our Chicken Teriyaki dinners. That kind of loyalty started with our first Ginza Holiday when we prepared Chicken Teriyaki for our visitors using a family recipe from an early temple member. Today, over 60 years later, we follow that same recipe by marinating and then par-boiling our chicken in the marinade to deepen the flavor. The final step is to finish the chicken on the open charcoal grill to produce a truly wonderful chicken dinner.
Visitors will also find a variety of other menu selections while dining at Ginza. We offer a vegetarian entree as well as ala carte options such as home-made sushi, cold udon noodles, grilled ” Mirai®” corn on the cob. For dessert try our kintoki (sweetened azuki beans over crushed ice) or our authentic Hawaiian shave ice using special ice shaving machines that create the most delicate snow that we top with your favorite flavors. Below is our full menu, including beverage and snack items.